Quantitative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) Study

For Students

For Students

Additional Information for Students

If your instructor has assigned this instrument as part of your participation grade, he or she will be provided only with your name and told whether or not you completed the survey. Your instructor will not receive your individual results. The general results of the survey for your entire class will also be provided to your instructor at the end of the semester, but your name will be replaced with an anonymous tag and other identifying information will be removed. Therefore, your score and responses will be anonymous. 

Within our study, your name and email will only be used to match the surveys that you complete at the beginning and end of the semester and will not be published.

If for whatever reason you are still not comfortable participating in the assessment, our team will provide an alternative assignment for your instructor. As a part of being ethical researchers, it is our responsibility to make sure that all participants can opt out at any time.

Personal Resources

In addition to our research, we would like to provide resources for students interested in improving their quantitative reasoning skills. These resources are not a part or product of our study, but are provided to provide students with the opportunity to shape their own educational experiences.

Understanding Quantitative Reasoning/Numeracy: The National Numeracy Network (NNN) provides a brief overview of numeracy as well as a list of recommended books.  The NNN website also includes a section of Improi resources.

Improving Your Quantitative Reasoning Skills/Numeracy:

This website, created by a quantitative reasoning researcher, provides a number of projects to help build your quantitative reasoning skills. We recommend you start with project 1 and work through as many projects as feels helpful. 

This website, created by the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton college is aimed at geoscience teachers but has a wide range of resources and tools that students can use independently.