Quantitative Reasoning for College Science (QuaRCS) Study

About the Lab

About the Lab

The QuaRCS Project is one part of the Follette Lab. Our main website can be found at follettelab.com. This site includes information about ongoing projects, bios for our current and past researchers, and updates about the lab’s recent research and outreach activities.


In addition to the members of the Follette Lab, we have a number of external collaborators. Dr. Sanlyn Buxner and Dr. Erin Galyen are long-time close collaborators of PI Follette on the QuaRCS project. Currently, they serve in an advisory role and participate in biweekly virtual meetings with the PI, postdoc, and undergraduate research assistants. 

We also draw heavily on the expertise of our external advisory board members: Dr. Eric Gaze (chair), Dr. Edward Nuhfer, Dr. Susan Hester, and Guadalupe Lozano. Their breadth of experience in science and mathematics education and research has been a key asset.

Brief bios highlighting the background and expertise of each external collaborator are provided on the people page.